Saturday, January 22, 2011

Saturday Bike Sessions OR Sunday Group Conditioning

Its not too late to join! There are a 2 spots left in this coached bike session. You bring the bike and trainer and I will help you get faster and stronger on the bike.
Runs until April 2. $75.00 Email me for more details

Starting Jan 30 for 12 Sundays. Group Conditioning starts. Join me at the Chiropractic Clinic for some strength training for triathletes. I can forward you the flyer if you want in on this great opportunity.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Goodbye 2010!

2010 brought many firsts for Team CA athletes. As always a few people tackled the Ironman distance for the first time. Congrats Genevieve, John W, Carlos and Jon D.
The 70.3 meet some newbies also. Way to Go to Doug A, Michelle R, Jamie A, and Brandi.

The biggest event of the year was Kevin going the 70.3 World Championships held for the last time in Clearwater, FL. Kevin's goal was Sub 5 and we worked very hard to earn his 4:58:53! What an amazing time! Your awesome Kevin!

So as we look forward to the race season of 2011, I wish all the old and new Team CA athletes the best season ever! Lets kick some ass!